
Using NPC Manager System


The NPC Manager System is a product provided by the Unreal Engine marketplace.

I mainly made 3 contributions, by using it in a Third-Person Action Role-Playing Game project (cooperated with 10+ team members).

1. Workflow Documentation

The workflow of using NPC Manager System was documented, based on its video tutorials.

This document was used to report weekly to the project leader.

Document Available Online as Google Doc

2. Scene Prototype

A scene prototype was created as a demonstration, for the team artists who want to make characters act like they are at a club.

Reference: “UE4: What is BSP and When Should You Use It?” Tutorial by World of Level Design

Club Scene Prototype (26s Video):

Club Scene Prototype

Screenshot (Club Scene) Screenshot (Club Scene)

3. Scripts Development

Scripts were developed for NPC locomotions using layered animations.

This enables a custom task for walking with upper-body montages (e.g. talking/smoking).


Locomotions with Upper-Body Montages (30s Video):

Locomotions with Upper-Body Montages

Screenshot (Main Logic for Locomotions) Screenshot (Main Logic for Locomotions)

Screenshot (Animation Blueprints for Locomotions) Screenshot (Animation Blueprints for Locomotions)